
Archive for Juli, 2011

do you like me?
well I hope you do..
cause if you like me,
then I think I’m gonna to have to like you too..


i heard the first verse of this song as background music on ‘My Name is Earl’ :p it’s a simple music, yet i love it ^^ *the music.. not the lyric coz it’s kinda like a story about two people having an affair, isn’t it? ^^;* enjoooyy :D




do you like me?
well i hope you do..
cause if you like me,
then i think i’m gonna to have to like you too.

we’ll share our things,
and have some fun,
then we’ll say goodbye,
and go back home when the day is done.

if you tell me,
i’ll tell you too,
and we’ll say the things,
and do the things that lovers do.

we’ll keep it to ourselves,
we won’t hurt no one,
then we’ll say goodbye,
and go back home when the day is done,

we’ll carve our names,
on a tree,
then we’ll burn it down,
so no one in the world will see.

and we’ll make love,
while we watch the flame,
then we’ll walk away,
as if we never had no shame,

now we must hide,
to be alone,
and we can’t say,
our sweet things on the telephone,

if we can’t stop,
what we’ve begun,
we should say goodbye,
and go back home when the day is done,

do you still like me?
well I hope you do..
cause if you still like me,
then i think i’m gonna have to still like you.

we shared our things,
and had some fun,
now we’ll say goodbye,
and go back home when the day is done,

yeah, we’ll say goodbye,
and go back home while,
we still have one.
let’s say goodbye and go back home,
now the day is done..

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Review DealExtreme

fufufufu.. :D

gara-gara (sok-sokan) mo belajar dropshipping, cari-cari, malah akhirnya belanja buat diri sendiri deh #dipentung


barang-barang ga jelas semua ya. wkwkwkwk :p ga koooook #membeladiri. niiih belanjaannya:

1. kompas –> kali aja pas backpacking tar butuh kann. kenapa ga pake hape aja? android kan ada nooh aplikasinya? yaaa kali aja pas hapenya lowbat kaan #ngeles :D

2. microscope (mini) –> hmm, aslinya mo beli kaca pembesar, tapi kepincut ama mikroskop :p wkwkwkwk. ntah deh buat apa

3. wadah hape –> di sini jg ada kaleee.. yaaa, kan jarang bisa nemu yg bener-bener sesuai seleraaa :p harganya jg termasuk lebih murah kook. free shipping pulaaa :p

4. magic towel –> tau kan yg biasa buat ngelap-ngelap motor warna kuning itu *lupa namanya*, naah yg ini sejenis, tapi bisa buat badan sekalian :D jadi kalo pergi-pergi bawa ini aja, meresapp, dan cepaat kering :p sekali beli dapet 2 :p warna ga bole milih, tapi pas dapet biru, gpp lah, biar ga cepet keliatan kotor.

5. sendok :p lucuuuu, bentuknya hati, ada 4 ukuran :D tergoda deh saia :p

6. poker keychain –> beli karna *menurutku* lucu aja siiih :p padahal gantungan kunci udah menggunung di kosan T.T lha gimana lagi, tiap kali beli oleh-oleh, ujung-ujungnya paling gampang ya beli gantungan kunci :p

7. casing waterproof –> buat poto-poto underwater pake hape :D yang dulu susah siih pakenya. sekarang beli yg harganya sepertiganya, tapi kyknya lebih gampang dipake deh :p

8. cushion.. dooh, apa ya namanya.. liat sendiri deh :p dari dulu pengen beli yg kyk gini, ini modelnya lucu, ada tempat nyangga kepalanya jg. wkwkwk. beli deeeh *biarpun ujung-ujungnya ternyata barangnya gejeeeeeeeee*

yakk.. sudah sepertinya :p overall, barang-barangnya not bad juga. sesuai gambar :p kualitasnya jg bagus. jadi saia puasss :p sayang harganya gak murah-murah amat buat dijual lagi di sini sepertinya. tapi yaa, free shipping jg, jadi anggep aja total uda sama ongkir dari sono kan :p ga kena bea bungkus pula #tumben. mungkin gara-gara pake Drop Shipment and Gift Service, nambah $0.01 buat ngilangin total harga n logo DX –> biasanya buat kalo kirim-kirim dalam rangka dropshipping. yaah, anggap saja belanja kali ini buat testing :p mungkin suatu saat kalo aku baru niat, bisa dibisnisin jg *seperti maksud awalnya :p hihihi*

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